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Donate to FNMT

Make a huge difference!

If you are able to spare some money to make a donation to the First Note Music Trust you will be helping us make a difference to hundreds of children and young people, plus bring adults into music-making who have never had the opportunity before. Thank you so so much!


There are two ways you can donate:


Option 1:

Please CLICK HERE to fill in an online donation form and make a secure, online payment directly into the First Note Music Trust bank account. This can be used for Gift Aid donations from UK tax payers and also for donations from non-UK tax payers.


Option 2:

If you prefer, you can donate by bank transfer by sending us an email:


In your email please give your name, contact number, the amount you would like to donate and also complete and attach our Gift Aid form (click HERE to download if relevant) so we can claim an additional 25% on top of your kind donation from HM Government.


Our friendly team will then respond and let you have the details of where/how to make the payment.


If you would like to set up a Standing Order for a regular donation, please email and our team will help you set that up.



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